Overlord Jokes

  1. Why did Ainz Ooal Gown start a gardening club in Nazarick?
    Because he wanted to raise some skeleton flowers!

  2. How does Albedo take her coffee?
    She likes it bone-dry!

  3. Why did Shalltear stop telling vampire jokes?
    Because they were fangtastically bad!

  4. What's the Floor Guardian's favorite game?
    Musical Thrones!

  5. Why did Demiurge refuse to play hide and seek?
    Because he didn't want to lower himself to cloak and dagger games!

  6. How did Cocytus become an artist?
    He had a knack for chilling landscapes!

  7. What's Sebas Tian's favorite dessert?
    Soufflé Supreme!

  8. Why did Ainz get a pet fish for Nazarick?
    Because he heard it was a skeleton of fun to have!

  9. How does Albedo organize her paperwork?
    She uses a guardian file system!

  10. Why did Shalltear go to the party?
    She heard it was going to be a bloody good time!

  11. What does Demiurge do when he's feeling down?
    He has a devilishly good plan to cheer himself up!

  12. Why did Cocytus enroll in art classes?
    He wanted to chill out and master his frozen landscapes!

  13. What's Sebas Tian's favorite exercise?
    Butler presses!

  14. Why did Pandora's Actor get a part-time job as a baker?
    He wanted to create mimicry desserts!

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